Just finished watching the first series of Tremé last night. This latest TV series from the team that created The Wire (Zola's La Bete Humaine for the 21st century) is a slow burn but well worth devoting the time to it. The last few minutes of the last episode left me sobbing. If you haven't already seen it, I recommend you get hold of the DVDs, set aside a few evenings and give yourself a treat.
No Quarter Asked, Or Given?
Newedge - Blain's Morning Porridge - September 30 2011
By Bill Blain, senior director, special situations, Newedge (as seen on TV)
T: +44 207 676 8615; Mobile: +44 777 088 1033; E: [email protected]
Quarter end...ouch...although the numbers will be miserable...remember a new one begins tomorrow!!
German EFSF vote passes and market goes. So what? No real reaction except scepticism. I could fill this morning's porridge with analysis of how dangerous it is waiting till mid-October for the Slovaks to ram their vote through, or how German legislators hedged the vote: they didn't make themselves popular: recent polls show 80% of German electorate is opposed to European bailouts, so the 90% of Bundestaggers voting for the EFSF needed to sound harsh about things like no increase in its size, etc etc etc. It’s just more noise.
Merkel says Germany is not a bottomless money pit for the euro – but does that mean it is? Best news I saw yesterday was Deutsche Bank getting a two-year €1bn senior funding deal away – apparently the first senior deal for three months. But the spread, at Libor + 98 basis points, is pain indeed. So instead of more agonising about who pays what when Greece defaults, or who gets today's Barroso award for the most useless contribution to the euro debate, it's time for a good old-fashioned rant.
Everyone from the smallest child to as-yet-undiscovered tribes in the Amazon basin knows that banks are to blame for this crisis, and every banker is definitionally an evil fatherless son or daughter. Investors around the globe are quite properly spanking the be’jesus out of any financial stock. Viva la revolution! Overturn the banks and decimate bankers.
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