Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated is a classic quote attributed to Mark Twain, the creator of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. I feel like following in his footsteps after finding the details of the obituary of Brian Bollen in a Google search ( The mentions of meticulousness and perfectionism had me blinking in disbelief before I realised it wasn't about me. Those qualities were never associated with me in the classroom.
There's only one Brian Bollen, I used to sing in my head, with great confidence. Since the age of the Internet dawned, I have been royally disabused of that notion, on more than one occasion. But, thank heaven, at least I'm still alive, unlike this one of my namesakes, who seems to have been greatly admired. Brian Bollen, RIP.
Death Reports Greatly Exaggerated
Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated is a classic quote attributed to Mark Twain, the creator of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. I feel like following in his footsteps after finding the details of the obituary of Brian Bollen in a Google search ( The mentions of meticulousness and perfectionism had me blinking in disbelief before I realised it wasn't about me. Those qualities were never associated with me in the classroom.
There's only one Brian Bollen, I used to sing in my head, with great confidence. Since the age of the Internet dawned, I have been royally disabused of that notion, on more than one occasion. But, thank heaven, at least I'm still alive, unlike this one of my namesakes, who seems to have been greatly admired. Brian Bollen, RIP.
Death Reports Greatly Exaggerated
Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated is a classic quote attributed to Mark Twain, the creator of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. I feel like following in his footsteps after finding the details of the obituary of Brian Bollen in a Google search ( The mentions of meticulousness and perfectionism had me blinking in disbelief before I realised it wasn't about me. Those qualities were never associated with me in the classroom.
There's only one Brian Bollen, I used to sing in my head, with great confidence. Since the age of the Internet dawned, I have been royally disabused of that notion, on more than one occasion. But, thank heaven, at least I'm still alive, unlike this one of my namesakes, who seems to have been greatly admired. Brian Bollen, RIP.
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